Hot Air Balloons

Moving can be overwhelming, with a seemingly endless list of things to worry about even if you are just going around the block.  Don’t know where to start?  For a handy list of activities and their timing, consult our Scheduler and just follow along.

So if you are moving out of the province does that make it even harder?

Not really! But there are a few more organizations to contact. The main issue with changing provinces is ensuring that the proper authorities have your new contact information to ensure that your affairs remain in order. You may have to advise both the province/territory of your departure as well as advise your new province/territory of your arrival.

As soon as you have your new address, in addition to those on the Scheduler checklist, here are some suggested organizations to contact:

The provincial governments have made it simple! Check out these comprehensive portals and websites to assist you (by province):

Health Insurance